New Cut Scores for Michigan’s MEAP and MME

It’s official.  You have likely heard that the new cut scores were coming.  Well they’re here.

When the MDE sent a memo out this week reminding everyone that historical data with the new cut scores attached would be released on Novemember 3, 2011 – I jumped into action.

I’ve put together a few materials that should be useful to you as you get to know your new cut scores.

DOWNLOAD THE 14 PAGE PDF HERE.  And do let me know if there’s anything else you need.

3 thoughts on “New Cut Scores for Michigan’s MEAP and MME

  1. Hi, Deb

    The PDF on the new cut scores is great! If found data on the scaled scores (old and new) on websites, but I couldn’t find anything with the historical percentage-correct numbers. I trust your information is correct, but I need to reference a State of Michigan source for these. Do you have that or know a link to a State site where I can get that?


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